7 Habits Of Loyal Customer

Does your business have loyal customers? Customer loyalty is defined as the act of choosing one company's products and services consistently over their competitors. Businesses strategize to attract customers who show this consistent support. While loyal customers are hard to come bye, they do help businesses of all sizes. Loyal customers have habits that help your business, such as. . .

  1. Rarely considering other brands when your product or service is needed.

2. Requesting your company by name.

3. Will to refer your company to friends and family.

4. Being ready to wait longer and drive farther to get your product or service.

5. Engages with your business consistently on social media

6. Continue to purchase your product/service regardless of price.

7. Provide constructive feedback (good and bad) to your business.

Your actions as a business should focus on increasing the percentage of customers that are loyal.


Harmsen’s Hockey reduces number of hockey sticks going to the landfill.


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